Representatives of International Students Participated in the Activity of 2020 "Understanding China" TED Keynote Speech

publishTime:2020-11-20Clicks:14 13times

The 'Understanding China' TED keynote speech event, organized by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, China Report Press of China Foreign Affairs Bureau and China Institute for Innovation and Development Strat, co organized by Propaganda Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, was held on November 20, 2020 at the Guangzhou Opera House. 20 universities in Guangdong province, including Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, South China University of Technology, and South China Normal University, were invited to the event. 14 representatives of international students from SCAU participated in this event.

The conference invited well-known policy research experts from both domestic and overseas countries to give keynote speeches and discussed hot domestic and international issues with international students, creating a lively atmosphere on site.

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